Thursday, July 30, 2020

Covid 19 test a waste of time - Bill Gates

According to Bill Gates, whose foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to treatment and vaccine research for Covid-19, people need to get results back sooner so that they're able to "change their behavior so they're not infecting other people."

"The simplest thing, which has to do with such insanity, is you should not reimburse somebody for getting a test that it takes more than 48 hours to get the result back," Gates said in an interview with CNBC.

"That test is a complete waste. And to all these numbers about how much we test, the majority is just complete waste," he added, calling it "insane" to have to pay for test results that could take more than three days and up to a full week.


Adm. Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary for health at the US Department of Health and Human Services, agrees with Bill Gates that testing needs to be improved.

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